
Last updated: September 21, 2023 Please read these terms carefully before using this website. These terms govern your use of the website and applications located at (url) and other websites and subdomains (collectively referred to as "undressbaby.com" or "this site") owned and operated by Joystart Enterprises Limited. (hereinafter collectively referred to as "the Company", "we", or "our"), unless the Company has entered into a separate written agreement with you for this purpose. If you visit this site, you agree to comply with these terms and all applicable laws and regulations. If you are accepting these terms on behalf of another company or other legal entity, it means that you have the legal authority to represent that company or entity in accepting these terms, in which case the term "you" used in these terms refers to that entity. The Company reserves the right to review and modify any content of these terms at its sole discretion and will update this page at any time. Any changes to these terms will take effect immediately upon publication without further notice. If you do not have the aforementioned legal representative right, or if you do not agree to these terms, the Company will refuse to provide you with services on this site. At the same time, you may not use or access this site or use any other services provided by the Company. Please make sure to read these terms before using the service each time. If you do not agree to any updated terms, please stop using them. 1. Account and Registration You must be at least 18 years old and enter into a binding contract with the Company before using the products and services provided on this site, including the Company's application programming interfaces, software, tools, developer services, data and files (collectively referred to as "Services"). You are responsible for all activities that occur using your account. 2. Services This site operates as an AI-driven web platform specialized in producing adult-themed imagery. Our service grants users the capability to personalize images by specifying prompts or using our pre-trained high-quality clothing models to do the generation. Please note that users bear full responsibility for all images generated. Additionally, our platform offers an assortment of content by plans available for purchase, with transactions securely processed via trusted third-party payment service providers. As part of our dedication to safeguarding user privacy, we neither retain nor monitor user data or the images generated. 3. Content This site disclaims all liability for the use of content generated by users on our website. Our services allow users to generate images through the prompts and user-selection process. However, it is imperative to note that we do not store, monitor, or claim responsibility for these user-created images. The user who generates the content maintains absolute ownership and is solely accountable for its use or distribution, along with any potential consequences thereof. 4. Age Requirements and User Responsibilities To access and utilize this website, users are required to meet a minimum age threshold of 18 years or the age of majority in their respective jurisdiction, whichever is higher. By engaging with our services, you affirm that you meet these age criteria. We place our trust in users to employ our services responsibly. Generating images of individuals without their explicit consent or of minors is strictly prohibited. Any misuse of our services, such as infringing upon the rights of others, participating in unlawful activities, or engaging in prohibited actions, will be met with zero tolerance. 5. Fees and Payment I. Fees and Billing. You agree to pay all fees for your use of this site and services to the Company according to the applicable prices and terms for each plan as stated on the website or as otherwise agreed in writing between you and the Company. Fees will be charged in US Dollars. Even if the Company has issued an invoice or received payment, the Company reserves the right to correct erroneous prices or other related errors or may reasonably change the final payment date. The Company will make every effort to provide you with complete and accurate billing information including valid authorized payment methods and you agree to authorize the Company, its affiliates, and third-party payment processors commissioned by the Company to periodically collect fees through your selected payment method. If you fail to complete payment within the agreed time limit, the Company will notify you separately and may suspend your right to use until you have paid in full. Unless otherwise provided in this agreement, payments are non-refundable. II. Price Changes. The Company reserves the right to change prices by notifying your account and/or through the Company's website. Any price changes will apply immediately on the effective date of the change and you shall pay fees according to the latest prices. 6. Intellectual Property Rights The following only concerns the proprietary design, UX, UI, and methods of the Company's website or services itself and is unrelated to the works you generate using the service. Under these terms, the Company transfers to you the rights, ownership, and interests in the works you generate or produce on this site under these terms. You may not copy, modify, create derivative works from, republish, download, store or transmit any proprietary material (meaning the Company's UX, UI, process methods and services) on this site as follows: 7. Trademarks The Company's name, trademarks, and all related names, trademarks, product and service names, designs, and slogans are trademarks of the Company, its affiliates or licensors. You may not use such marks without the prior written permission of the Company. All other names, trademarks, product and service names, designs and slogans on this site are trademarks of their respective owners and may not be copied, imitated or used in whole or in part without the permission of the applicable intellectual property owner. Mentioning any product, service, process or other information by name, trademark, manufacturer, supplier or otherwise does not constitute or imply endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation by the Company. 8. Use Restrictions If you use this site, you and those you represent warrant that you will not: • Modify, copy, prepare derivative works from, decompile or reverse engineer any material and software contained on this site; • Remove any copyright or other proprietary rights notices from any work and software on this site; • Transmit works to others or "mirror" works on any other server; • Intentionally or unintentionally use this site or any other services provided by the Company in a manner that abuses, disrupts or interferes with this site or any other services provided by the Company; • Use this site or its related services to transmit or publish any harassing obscene fraudulent illegal or harmful material; • Use this site or its related services in violation of any applicable local state national or international law or regulation; • Use this site for sending unauthorized advertising spam or solicitation; • Use this site or its related services in a manner that may infringe on the privacy intellectual property rights or other rights of third parties; • Generate content containing impersonations of any real person or falsely depicting individuals in a misleading or defamatory manner; • Generate content containing sexual abuse sexual violence explicit pornography or any form of non-consensual behavior; • Generate content containing child nudity child pornography or any form of child exploitation; • Generate content containing descriptions of behavior involving non-consensual sexual or other acts; • Generate content containing descriptions of animal abuse or harm to animals (including violent or torturous acts); • Generate content containing explicit descriptions of gore or extreme violence; • Generate content promoting inciting hatred violence discrimination or harm based on race ethnicity religion gender sexual orientation or any other protected characteristic. 9. Term and Termination These terms will remain fully effective during your access and use of the Company's website. You have the right to stop using the Company's website at any time. If you violate any of these terms or engage in any potential fraud abuse or illegal activity or provide access to any part of this site to any third party, the Company has the right to terminate your access or use of this site at any time without notice and you must return or destroy any works you have produced and stored copies according to the Company's choice. No rights ownership or interests in the content of this site or service will be transferred to you and the Company reserves all rights not expressly granted. Any use of this site not expressly permitted by these terms is a breach of these terms and may violate copyright trademark and other laws. Termination of your access will be in addition to any other remedies the Company may have at law or in equity. 10. Disclaimer You expressly understand and agree that you assume all risks associated with your access and use of this site and that this site is provided "as is" and "as available" and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law the Company its subsidiaries affiliates and licensors make no express or implied warranties (including but not limited to this site any contract or any external website content including but not limited to express or implied warranties of merchantability fitness for a particular purpose non-infringement accuracy reliability or correctness of the information works or content provided). Subject to the foregoing general provisions, the Company, its subsidiaries, affiliates, and licensors further disclaim liability for: (i) Your access or use of this site will meet your requirements, (ii) Your access or use of this site will be uninterrupted timely secure or error-free, (iii) The usage data provided by this site will be accurate, (iv) Any content services or features on this site or application or provided through the application do not contain viruses or other harmful components, or (v) Any data you disclose while using this site is secure. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties in contracts with consumers so some or all of the above exclusions may not apply to you. You accept the inherent security risks of providing information and conducting online transactions over the internet and agree that except for gross negligence on the part of the Company, the Company shall not be liable for any insecure behavior. 11. Limitation of Liability This website and its content are provided on an 'as is' basis. To the extent permitted by applicable law, this website makes no express or implied warranties and disclaims all other warranties, including but not limited to implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, fitness for a specific purpose, non-infringement of intellectual property, or other violations of rights. Under no circumstances shall this website or its suppliers be liable for any consequential losses suffered or incurred by you or any third party due to the use or inability to use this website or its content, even if this website or an authorized representative has been informed, either orally or in writing, of the potential for such damages. In the context of this agreement, "consequential losses" encompass any indirect or consequential losses, as well as actual or anticipated loss of profits, loss of benefits, loss of revenue, loss of business, loss of goodwill, loss of opportunities, loss of savings, loss of reputation, loss of use, and/or loss or corruption of data, whether arising under statute, contract, equity, tort (including negligence), indemnity, or any other legal basis. Please be aware that in some jurisdictions, limitations on implied warranties or restrictions on liability for consequential or incidental damages may not be applicable to you. 12. Indemnification To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law you agree to indemnify defend and hold harmless the Company and its past present and future employees partners contractors consultants suppliers service providers agents representatives predecessors successors and assigns (the "Indemnified Parties") from all claims demands lawsuits damages losses costs and expenses (including attorneys' fees) arising out of or related to: (i) Your use of this site or any service (ii) Your obligations or liabilities under these terms (iii) Your violation of these terms (iv) Your violation of any applicable law or regulation or (v) Your infringement of any rights of any other person or entity. You expressly agree that this applies to any input you upload to this site and that you have the right to use such input for the services provided by the Company. The Company reserves the right at its own expense to assume exclusive defense against any claim for which we are entitled to indemnification under this section. In such case you agree to cooperate with us in asserting any available defenses. This indemnification is in addition to and not in lieu of any other indemnification set forth in a written agreement between you and the Company. 13. Responsibility for Use of Information The information provided on or through this site is for general purposes only and should not be used for specific purposes. The Company does not guarantee the accuracy completeness or usefulness of this information. You assume all risks associated with using such information. The Company assumes no responsibility or obligation for all reliance on such works by you or any other visitor to this site or anyone who may be informed of its contents. 14. Severability If any part of these terms is found to be invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part, such invalidity or unenforceability shall be ineffective only to the extent of such invalidity or unenforceability without affecting the validity or enforceability of the remaining parts. 15. Governing Law You and the Company agree that Taiwan law shall have exclusive and sole jurisdiction and interpretation over these terms and your access and use of this site and that no choice of law rules shall apply. 16. Dispute Resolution; Arbitration Please read this section carefully. It may significantly affect your legal rights including your right to file a lawsuit in court. You and the Company agree that all disputes arising out of or related to these terms or your access and use of this site for any reason whether based on contract tort statute fraud misrepresentation or any other legal theory shall be resolved through final and binding arbitration by a neutral arbitrator instead of in a court by a judge and you and the Company further agree to waive any right to sue in court. You and the Company also agree that any arbitration will be conducted on an individual basis; not agreeing to conduct collective arbitration or collective litigation; you also agree to waive your right to participate in collective litigation. You and the Company agree that any arbitration shall be submitted to the Chinese Arbitration Association, Taipei, the place of arbitration shall be Taipei City, and agree to arbitrate in accordance with the arbitration rules of the Chinese Arbitration Association, Taipei. 17. Privacy Policy The Company's privacy policy explains how the Company collects and uses personal information. 18. Contacting the Company All comments, feedback, and questions regarding these terms should be sent to Service@undressbae.com